Creative Chair


Creative Chair presented by Jolie Becker

Chair is a fun way to challenge strength and agility. Join Jolie for a dynamic chair workout that will provide you with exciting new choreography and sequencing that will challenge all four S’s!

Equipment Needed: Low Chair or MVe Chair, free weights 1-5lbs


· Explore the fusion of classical chair with new additions.

· Experience how to get creative with sequencing.

Why should I attend this workshop?

Chair is a challenge- and sequencing is an art. Doing a thoughtfully sequenced chair workout fused with inspiration from other modalities will freshen up your private and group sessions!

Credits: 1 CEC

Cancellation Policy:

No refunds will be issued. If you are not able to attend, you will have access to the recording for 30 days after the virtual session.

Instructor Led Training

Online Instructor Led Training
2025-01-26 14:15:00 UTC - 2025-01-26 15:15:00 UTC

Available Course Credits

Peak Pilates 1.00

Course Content

Welcome to Creative Chair with Jolie Becker
Workshop Essentials

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