Get your Reformer On the Ball!


Get your Reformer on the Ball with Peak Pilates Master Instructor Zoey Trap- 2 CECs

Get on the ball and discover the reformer exercises in a whole new way in this unique session designed to simulate a reformer workout. Learn how to use the ball to assist, challenge, and provide the feel of reformer exercises as you explore a whole new stability challenge that takes you beyond mat. Explore progressive Pilates variations as you flow from one exercise to the next, challenging your mind, body, and powerhouse with new ranges of motions and variations.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the workshop the attendee will:

1. Be able to teach base positions on the ball

2. Know how to alter intensity on the ball

3. Understand how to adapt the classical reformer order the stability ball

4. Comprehend progressive strategies for approaching more complex and challenging exercises in a multi-level class.

Why should I take this workshop:

You will walk away with a whole new class for live and virtual teaching and have fun while you learn and explore. You will challenge yourself in new ways and gain a new thought process to the stability ball as a tool for unlocking potential.

Equipment Needed: Stability Ball and Mat (see welcome letter for purchasing information)

Instructor Led Training

Online Instructor Led Training
2021-08-20 18:00:00 UTC - 2021-08-20 20:00:00 UTC

Available Course Credits

Peak Pilates 2.00

Course Procedure

  1. Enroll in the course.
  2. View the course content.
  3. Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)
  4. Print your certificate of completion.

Course Content

Welcome to Get your Reformer on the Ball
Your Virtual Workshop
Post Workshop

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