Creative Chair Choreography from FitCore™: Chair Barre None - Update 2

by Zoey Trap, MSc

Online Course

Includes all course content in digital format

Prerequisites Required


Get all the benefits of a Barre workout with the extra boost of spring resistance. Work through Barre like never before- no barre just you, your mat, and your Pilates chair to challenge you to the core. Develop fluid strength, grace, and balance and improve posture- all in one workout!

Course Objectives:

* Learn the class design for Chair Barre None

* Prepare to teach the class

* Improve teaching skills pertaining to group chair classes

Why should I take this course?

Chair is one of the most challenging modalities to teach- and most of the challenge comes in the way of creating flowing, well-balanced workouts. Like all the FitCore™ workouts, our expert design takes the guess work out of choreography for you. Give your students a chance to explore a new way of moving- and help them keep improving- with Chair Barre None!

Cancellation Policy

Available Course Credits

Peak Pilates 4.00

Course Procedure

  1. Enroll in the course.
  2. View the course content.
  3. Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)
  4. Print your certificate of completion.

Course Content

Welcome to Chair Update 1 - Chair Barre None
Chair Barre None Exercise Video Library
Learn the Workout
Advance your Teaching Skills

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